Sunday, March 30, 2008

So... what stage of greed are you at?

hey hey hey ,

so it took me quite some time to come up with what the hell is ones greed ...Every one is greedy not one mortal or immortal can escape from the grip of his/her greed.
Dont agree with me ....remmember when your house had no TV when u were a kid (well my house dint have one)...or may be u wanted to go for ice cream and dint have money ...If u did have money u cudnt get there coz u dint have transpost or didnt know how to get there. ok im gonna stop with the lousy examples

I'm gonna start with a few things that i always wanted as a kid ...I come from a middle class family in South India...the second child(son) of the four kids (3 boys and the sisters the last one).So u guessed right I would always have to follow in his steps...If he went to music school , I had to go aswell , If he was a singer i had to do it aswell,he was a boy scout and so i had to be one he is an engineer and u get what i mean ....well i always wanted to be my self and till date have this greed ...I want to have my own identity...when it aint impossible its not that easy either, But i am working on it.

So you still disagree with my statement:
"Every one is greedy not one mortal or immortal can escape from the grip of his/her greed "

lemme try and explain a kid you alway want something better than what your play mate had....when your in school you always want be the best in your class ...and in college you want to be with the most popular group/boyfriend/girlfriend ..what else in college you want to be the best sport..the best bike the best computer gamer...artist ..singer..and blah blah blah!
So after collge you want the best job ..least work possible and highest pay! when you decide to get married you want the best partner ignoring what are his/her needs (you know this is true)..when you have kids you want him/her to be the best kid and then pursue your dreams (yea not their own) and when your old u dont want to have any of the aging problems ..

you might be asking me what bout preists and other religious people..LOL they want to get a higher place in after life ..aint that greed?

who else GOD yea ... is greedy aswell ..GOD wants us all to be the best followers...always remmber him ..pray to him ...offer him thanks etc etc...

well thats my opinion and if you have any other opinion ...u know what my answer would be LOL ...

So u now know that I have made this page to explain a few things that i am greedy for ...I am a lousy writer so i may take my own sweet time i am sure you have the patience to read my next post (when ever that is )hehe

Sunday, March 9, 2008


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Yeah! this is me . I am 26 and working at goal It solutions Pvt ltd in Mangalore.Most of u pplz know me sure hahaha ..well if u dont u will know me if u have the patience to read my blog....actually i am quite lazy so i may post rarely,but ill try my best. contact me if you like...
What I am tryin to put here is ....Info about how things are turning out around me in Mangalore . I would like you guys out there to post your comments and if the response is good ill go ahead and post some more...